Yorktown Fire's Junior Corp steps it up for the My Brother Vinny
By FD Reporter
April 26, 2015

On Sunday morning members of the Yorktown Fire's Junior Corp set out to help raise money for the My Brother Vinny.
My Brother Vinny is a NYS 501c3 non-profit charitable organization. They organize: distribute food, clothing and furniture and housewares to US Veterans, outreach groups, shelters and families in Westchester County/vicinities. They also run an annual My Brother Vinny Walk and help local animal shelters and rescue groups in the aid and support of animal welfare. My Brother Vinny also establish and implement community based events geared towards improving the enjoyment of life, happiness and health of the emotionally, physically and intellectually disabled.
The slogan for My Brother Vinny is “Helping mankind one good deed at a time!” The Yorktown Fire's Junior Corp has been doing their Good Deed for My Brother Vinny for many years. Keep up the good work Junior Corp.

Our reader can check out many other events My Brother Vinny host by going to http://www.mybrothervinny.org/

Units: Junior Corp
Hyperlinks: http://www.mybrothervinny.org