YHFD Received $68,618 NYSDHS Grant for Swift Water Rescue Equipment
By Lieutenant Alex Vergo
December 12, 2015

The Yorktown Heights Fire District received $68,618 in NYS Division of Homeland Security grant money to purchase swift water rescue equipment for its Water Rescue Unit.

"The funding comes from the Technical Rescue & Urban Search and Rescue Grant Program, which provides eligible teams such as the Yorktown Heights Fire District with funding to sustain advance their capabilities." The Yorktown Heights Fire District contains critical infrastructure along the water in its own jurisdiction, as well as supply's the only dedicated water rescue team to the county.

This grant will help the YHFD Water Rescue Unit ultimately achieve Federal FEMA recognition, which will allow our team to have the capability to respond to natural disasters around the country.

Hyperlinks: Yorktown Heights Fire District receives state anti-terrorism grant for search and rescue capabilities